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The Seven Deadly Sins

From the March 1980 edition of The Orthodox Herald

1. Pride is the head and root of all sin, making the self the center about which the will and desire revolve.

2. Envy is fear of admitting others’ superiority and regarding their gifts with grudging hatred.

3. Wrath blinds the judgment and suffocates natural feelings and responses.

4. Sloth goes beyond and idle mind and body, leading to deliberate refusal of joy, morbid introspection, and despair.

5. Covetousness is an inordinate love of wealth looking to nothing past the rewards of this life.

6. Gluttony is more than excess eating and drinking and includes all over-indulgence in bodily comforts.

7. Lust is often mistaken for being synonymous with sexuality. The latter is selfless and is a gift from God in marriage; the former is entirely selfish in its abuse of self and/or others

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