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“For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the Lord.”

“For this country, its President and for all civil authorities and for the armed forces everywhere, let us pray to the Lord.”

Even though we disagree with political figures (i.e. the president of this country), we should still respect their title and their job no matter what they do or how the media portrays them. Just as we respect doctors, medical professionals and other civil leaders, etc. We as Orthodox Christians and other Christians are taught to pray for one another, at almost every service (except funerals) we pray for the civil leaders of the country, good, bad or indifferent regardless of politcal party. We may not like them, but that is our job to pray for them and for others. Having hatred in our hearts for someone is not the Christian way. In the words of the ever-memorable Fr. Thomas Hopko, "If we cannot find Him [God] here, we will not find Him there [Heaven]".

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